Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weekly Irreverent Haiku: White Jesus

I'm going to attempt to write and post a haiku a week. The more blasphemous, the better. I'd love to read some of your's in the comments.

White Jesus

White Jesus! It's True!
Look at his picture. You'll see.
Blonde hair, eyes of blue.

--Robert Madewell


Savonarola said...

I'd love to read some of your's in the comments.


Oppressing disagreement,
Brainwashing kiddies.

Robert Madewell said...

Good one, Sav!

Here's a bonus one:

What'd you say? Please tell!
If I don't believe like you,
God sends me to Hell!

thermalsatsuma said...

An old man says that
His beliefs trump equality
Fuck you, Pope Ratzi

A six year old bride
Married to an old prophet
There's a word for that


Laura said...


Laura said...


Laura said...

Oops, sorry for the double post. It said I typed the characters in wrong the first time, but I guess it posted anyways! :S